07. Functions (Part 1)
- Just like other programming languages, the shell supports the use of functions, which leads to more structured and easier to maintain scripts
- The here document is used to output multiple lines of text from the script. The here document is not a function, but it is used to group lines of text into a mini text file within a script, making it easier to work with multiple lines of text.
- Functions
- Here Document
Function Introduction
Function Introduction
- Often in programming, a particular logical block of code needs to run at several places in the script
- For example, a logical block of code keeps looping to get a filename and until it gets a valid file
- This block of code could need to run at several places in the script, whenever a file is needed from the user
- Rather than copy and paste the block of code over and over again in the script, we create a function from the block of code and put it at the beginning of the script
- Then, every time a file name is needed, we only need to call the function, we don’t need to repeat the block of code in the script
- Functions are useful because they:
- Reduce the size of the script (less typing by the programmer)
- Can be re-used by many scripts (no need to reinvent the wheel)
- Produce logically structured (organized) scripts that are easy to read, debug, and maintain
Functions in a Script
Functions in a Script
- The shell is an interpreter, not a compiler, so it interprets the script line by line from top to bottom of the file
- This means that the shell needs to “see” the function block before the function is called. Otherwise, the shell will give a syntax error if it sees the function call and has not seen the function block
- In a script, all function blocks are put at the beginning of the script, then the main block of code appears last in the script
- The order in the script file will be:
- 1. all function blocks
- 2. the main script commands
Syntax for a Function
- The function block is made of 2 parts: function header and function body
functionA ()
optional return value
- The header has the function name, followed by empty parentheses
- It is recommended that the function name be descriptive so it’s easy to recognize what task the function does
- The empty parentheses are required, and they are always empty. Without the parentheses the shell will interpret the function name as a variable name
- The function body starts and ends with { } , and in between are commands and programming constructs for the function to do its task
- It is recommended that the commands in a function body be indented from the function header so it’s easy to read
- The commands and programming constructs should be left justified (line up on the left) and further indented if necessary
- If a function is short, the entire function can be coded on the same line. In this case, every command in the function body must end with semicolon
- Example: goHome ( ) { cd; echo At `pwd`; }
Input to a Function
Input to a Function
- When a function is called, we can give input arguments to the function the same way that we give input arguments on the command line:
functionA file1 file2
- functionA is called and gets 2 filenames as input
- The function accesses its input through the positional parameters $1, $2, $3, etc.
- Example of input arguments, given the function call above
functionA ( )
if [[ -e $1 && -e $2 ]]
echo both files exist
echo at least one filename is not valid
Output from a Function
Output from a Function
- A function can return one and only one integer value, through the return statement:
return $size
- The value in variable size is returned to the caller
- The integer return value is in the range of 0 - 255
- The return value is stored in the ? variable and is accessed by the caller with $?
- Example
functionB ( )
size=‘ls –l $1 | awk {print $5}` # get file size
return $size
- call functionB and pass in fileA, then access return value to print:
functionB fileA
echo fileA has $? bytes