Lab2 - TSLite Phase II: Installation and Testing for Two way communication
TSLite (Phase II: Two way communication)
- Overview of UPS Project
- Create a common workspace
- Create New Programming Projects
- Set up UPS2 to test the second USN-Serial connection
- Source code
OS/Software/Tools used during this lab:
(1) VMware Server / VMware Workstation
(2) Windows XP
(3) Cygwin
(A) Download and install Cygwin from the following link inside your guest operating system Windows XP which is installed in VMware Server/ VMware Workstation.
B. Create a Common Workspace
To create a common workspace you need to follow the steps as below.
- Back up the project by typing the following command in a Cygwin window
cd c:/embed_net/tslite
cp -R projects projects.orig
- Activate VC++ 6.0
- File --> New --> Win32 Console Application
- Use these parameters
Project name: projects
Location: c:\embed_net\tslite
The "projects" workspace is now created.
- Remove the project: projects
- Insert the following projects into the "projects" workspace.
C. Create a New Programming Projects
The following procedure will create an ETS Kernel Project which is a Win32 console application project that has the switch /ETS:FILENAME in its link command line. When Developer Studio links the program, Embedded StudioExpress intercepts the operation and redirects it to the LinkLoc linker, using the filename specified in the /ETS switch as a linker command file.
- Click New ETS Project in the Embedded StudioExpress toolbar
- Enter these parameters in the "ETS Project Wizard - Step 1" window
Workspace Name: myproj
Workspace Base Directory:
Linker Command File: (*) Create New File
- Check these parameters in the "ETS Project Wizard - Step 2 of 3" window
[x] PC-Compatible Screen Driver
[x] PC-Compatible Keyboard Driver
Note: If PC-Compatible Screen Driver is turned on then @pcat_sc.emb is not commented out in myproj.lnk
! PC-Compatible Screen Driver
This setting will enable the displaying of message on the target machine instead of the host machine.
- Add the source code myproj.c which is created in this way:
cd C:/embed_net/tslite/projects/myproj
cp ../hello/hello.c myproj.c
- Add created myproj.c to project myproj.
- Compile and execute myproj. The target machine displays
Hello world!
A DOS window pops up in the host machine and displays:
Press a key to exit...
D. Set up UPS2 to test the second USN-Serial connection
- Set up UPS2 to test the second USN-Serial connection
- Activate VC++ 6.0
- Open this workspace
- Rebuild the ups2 project
Note: You may encounter this error
C:\embed_net\tslite\projects\ups2\ups2\upsall.h(10) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'embkern.h': No such file or directory
This is caused by incorrect INCLUDE directory setup.
- Run with com2
Right click ups2 --> setting --> Debug -->
Program arguments: com2
- Execute the project ups2
To build and execute ups2.exe first make project ups2 as Active Project.
- Then Build project ups2 as below from menu Build -> Build UPS2.exe.
- Then Execute UPS2.exe from menu Build -> Execute UPS2.exe
In the following snapshot, bottom red indication shows project ups2 is successful built.
- Following snapshot shows the downloading of file UPS2.exe.
- Don’t close the Executable window till you finish execution of winups.exe. It must be required to remain open to get the final result.
- Execute the project WINUPS
- First activate project WINUPS as below.
- Then Build project winups as below from menu Build Build WINUPS.exe.
- Then Execute WINUPS.exe from menu Build -> Execute WINUPS.exe
In the following snapshot, bottom red indication shows project WINUPS is successful built.
- Execute the project winups which pops up the following window.
- File --> Port Settings
Select COM2
- File --> Connect to UPS
Click buttons to experiment
- By clicking on “Connect to UPS” pops up the following window.
- File --> Disconnect from UPS
- By clicking on “Disconnect to UPS” black window of UPS.exe will show the message of “Press any key to exit ….”.
- When you press any key in that window that window will be closed and you can finish your TSLite Phase II (Two way communication) successfully.