05. Links and find command
find command
- find: searches a given part of the system directory tree for any file that matches some given criteria
- Basic format: find start_dir criteria_list
- start_dir is the directory from which find will start the search
- start_dir can be an absolute path or a relative path
- If it is a relative path, start_dir is relative to the directory where find is run
- If no start_dir is given, find starts the search from the current directory
- criteria_list tells search what to look for
- The criteria_list can be 1 or more criteria
- find does a recursive search from the start directory, which means it will go down all subdirectories of each directory that it encounters
- When ls is used to search for a file, the search only occurs at the directory that is given as the argument to ls
- When find is use to search for a file, the search starts at the directory given and proceeds down all subdirectories, so it is a deeper search
- find is a powerful command that can do work (take action) on the files it found that match the criteria.
- The action on the files can include removing the files, modifying the files, copying the files to another location, etc.
- Printing the location of the matched files is the default action of find
- When printing the location of the matched files, find prints the path of the matched files with respect to the start_dir
Criteria for find
- Files matching filename
- -name filename all files matching filename
- -name ‘name_with_wildcards’ all filenames matching name_with_wildcards (single quotes are required)
- Files of a certain file type
- -type d all files that are directories
- -type f all files that are regular files
- -type l all files that are links (only symbolic link)
- Files with a certain permission
- -perm octal_mode all files with mode matching octal_mode (see File Permissions section for octal_mode)
- Files that are empty
- -empty applies to regular files and directories
- Files with a certain number of hard links
- -links +num all files with number of hard links greater than num
- -links num all files with number of hard links equal num
- -links –num all files with number of hard links less than num, num is a number
- Hard links to a file
- -inum inode_num all files with a certain inode_num, Recall: inode_num is found by using ls –i
- Symbolic links pointing to a certain file
- -lname path all links that contain a specific path
- -lname ‘path_with_wildcards’ all links that contain paths that match the path_with_wildcards (single quotes are required)
- Recall: when a symbolic link points to a file, it contains the path to that file. The –lname option looks at the path in the symbolic links for a match. If there is a match, it means the link points to that file.
- find accepts one or more criteria
- To use more than one criteria
- the file has to match all criteria listed
- List the criteria separated by space
- Example: find ~ -type d -empty
- OR:
- the file has to match at least 1 criterion in the list
- List all criteria separated by -o (for or)
- Example: find ~ -type d -o -type f