Lab 7-8 Linux Assignment and Solution

Lab 7-8 Linux Assignment Requirement

This lab covers the email utility and features of the shell


Lab 7-8 Linux Assignment Solution

Module 7
1. mesg n
mail testUser

email 1 -- subject

~r -- to bring file content into body of the email

the end -- write at the end of body of an email

control+d -- send email

3. script lab7-8
4. mail

1 - View message number 1

m testUser - to go to send mode

forwarding - subject line

~m 1 - bring forwarded message into current mail

~v - check content to make sure email is not empty

:q - quit from vi

control + d - send an email - cc email to you

6. d 1
7. exit

8. mail - you should have 2 emails


R 1 - reply to message 1 (email 1)

Reply to email 1 (Module 7 Q9) - message body

control + d - send reply

10. s 2 Folder_Forwarded
11. quit
12. echo "exit command act as you had not open current session before quit"
13. mail -f Folder_Forwarded
14. quit

15. mail -f - email 1 from mbox (default mail box)

16. quit - quit from mail

17. exit - exit script

Module 8
1. script -a lab7-8
2. echo 'When you say "I wrote a program that crashed Windows"' > lab8text
   cat lab8text
3. echo 'people say "Hey, I got those programs with the system ...    for free.' >> lab8text
4. echo Written on $(date +%D) by $(whoami) >> lab8text
   echo Written on 'date' by 'whoami'
5. cat lab8text

6. ps -e | less - keep the screen small to reduce paper wastage

q - quit from less

7. exit
8. script -a lab7-8
9. cp /home/distribution/cnguyen/cis18a/count ~
10. count

11. control+z - suspend the job

bg - run suspended job in background


$(count) > filename & -- correct answer but can't see anything in the file since command is not going to complete


count > tempfile & -- Instructor's Answers

13. jobs
14. kill %1 %2
15. shellPrompt=$PS1
16. PS1='  Yes?  '
18. mkdir lab8dir; cd lab8dir; pwd
19. cp ~/lab1-2 .
20. lab1-2
21. PS1=$shellPrompt
22. alias myhistory='history 5'
23. myhistory

24. !1012 - change number to # output of 23 having command of Q20

25. exit - exit from script

26. lab7-8
- Clean typing error
- Check difference between lab7-8.cleaned and lab7-8
- Turn in lab