09. Korn Shell
Korn Shell
Korn Shell
- The Korn shell was developed by David Korn from AT&T Bell Lab
- Like bash, the Korn shell is based on the older Bourne shell and therefore the Korn shell is similar to bash
- In this note, we discuss the many similarities and few differences between the Korn and bash shells
Running the Korn Shell
- The Korn shell can be the default login shell, just like bash is our default login shell on voyager
- The default Korn shell prompt (stored in PS1) is: $
- From any shell, to start the Korn shell: ksh
- To check where the Korn shell is in the system: whereis ksh
- Normally the Korn shell is at: /bin/ksh
- If the Korn shell is started as a child process of another shell, to get back to the original shell, use: exit
- To find the current shell that is running: echo $0
- If the command line editing is not set for ksh as it is for bash, here are some general tips to re-run previous commands with ksh:
- history will show the last commands that are run, along with their number in the history file
- r re-run the last command
- r number re-run the command with the matching number in the history file
Input / Output
- As in bash, use read for reading in user input
- To print to screen, we can use echo as with bash, but most Korn shell scripts use print
- For example: print current value is $var
- Just like with any other shell, the Korn shell script also accepts command line arguments and options
- Command line arguments are accessed through the positional parameters and getopts is also available with ksh
- We can also use redirection of both input and output of the shell
- We can also use command substitutions and pipes for input and output
Variables and Expressions
- User defined variables are created, initialized, unset, and accessed the same way as in bash
- Likewise, system variables such as PATH, PS1, HOME, etc. are the same as in bash
- Shell variables (such as $0, $1, $2, $*, $@, $?) are the same
- Arrays are defined and accessed the same way as in bash
- Strings and arrays can be manipulated with the same operators, such as ${#array[@]} or ${str/expr/newStr}, and by the same built-in functions such as shift and set
- Regular expressions can be used for string matching by the shell with the operator =~, just as with bash
- However, the regex metacharacters are limited to:
- Anchors: ^ $
- Single character: .
- Most of the time, regex in ksh are used in conjunction with egrep, sed, or awk
- There is a special set of regex that are used with the string operators
- They are similar to regex used by bash and other utilities, but are in different format
Korn : bash:
*(expr) expr*
+(expr) expr+
?(expr) expr?
@(expr1 | expr2) expr1 | expr2
{n,m}(expr) expr{n,m}
- For example, using regex with string substitution:
str="cis33a cis33b"
print ${str/+(3)/4} print: cis4a cis33b
classes=(cis33a cis33b cis18a cis18b cis18c)
print ${classes[@]/*([a-z])/} print: 33a 33b 18a 18b 18c
Evaluating Expressions
- Logical operators: !, &&, || are the same
- String relational operators: =, !=, <, > are the same
- Numeric relational operators: -ne, -eq, -lt, -gt, -ge, -le are the same
- As in bash, to evaluate logical and relational expression, use [[ ]]
- Arithmetic operators are the same: +, /, *=, ++ …
- Evaluate arithmetic expression the same way: (( expression ))
- where the variable names do not need a preceding $
- As with bash, arithmetic compares can be written as (( expression )) where the compare operators are < , >=, == …
- File tests are the same way, except for the file exist test
- -a or -e file exists -s exists and is not empty
- -d file is a directory -nt file1 is newer than file2
- -f file is a regular file -ot file1 is older than file2
- -h file is a link
- -r have read permission
- -w have write permission
- -x have execute permission
Flow Control
- The if and case statements have the same syntax as in bash
- The for, while, until loops have the same syntax as in bash
- Functions can be defined the same way as in bash
- Functions can also be defined this way:
function fA # start with keyword function, no ( )
- The return or exit statement works as in bash
- As in bash, to check for return or exit status, use: $?
- As in bash, variables are global by default
- To make a variable local, use: typeset varName
- Signals and signal handling are the same way as in bash
- The trap command is used to catch signals
- The difference from bash is when signal handling are reset to default:
- trap - signalName